10 Jun 2014

Festival Fun

Every year there's a local festival full of food stalls, information stalls, small rides and local musicians that's held in boyfriend's old school about a five minute walk from us. After the storm passed we decided to brave the weather and chance the field wouldn't be too muddy to explore but we needn't have worried as it was absolutely boiling in the sunshine. We wandered around for a little while before retreating to the garden tent which is in a shaded area and is host to acoustic artists. We drank almost-cold drinks, feasted on the best halloumi and spicy vegetable wrap I've ever tasted and tried to get the nutella from our mini doughnuts off every piece of fabric on us.

Layla perched right in the front row for most of the acts. She loves to sit there and just bask in music and would quite happily have been there all day doing just that. Amelia had other ideas and spent most of the time playing with a bunch of children she just met by running up and down the hills in the heat in a pair of Minnie Mouse wellies. When she was done she sat perched upon her fathers shoulders to take a breath before doing the same thing again and again, this time with added stolen chairs from inside the tent.

I have so many photos from the day (151 to be exact) and we were only there for a few hours. After whittling down a few for this post and a post about the band I fell in love with there I have the rest to share everywhere else on the internet. Curating photos is not my favourite thing to do because I half want to throw them all here and say 'look how great today was' and the other half realises you don't care that much. The band I fell in love with study at Bath Spa university and honestly, they were incredible. A contemporary folk band complete with violins, guitars, ukelele's, guitars, bass and a trusty box with catchy lyrics from the first rendition of the chorus of their own-penned songs - yes, let's just say I'm very excited to put up the photos I have of them and introduce you to their YouTube channel. I was hoping they'd have an EP with them but they're waiting on it so it's safe to say I hope to be singing along to it pretty quickly while working.

All in all it was such a beautiful day and I was so happy to have boyfriend home for the weekend as he's been working 45 hour weeks and not getting in until gone 2:30am every weeknight so with me working in the days and through the evenings when he's at work we're both absolutely knackered and slacking off on things like housework that really should be getting done. I do appreciate him so much more when he's home and we have a lot more to talk about so I am in no way moaning about his job. I think when you've lived together and have both been in such close confinement for so long it's easy to not miss each other so I'm enjoying the experience of scheduling in things to do on our days off and making the most of that time by getting outside for fresh air when the weather is decent instead of sitting on the sofa watching Orange Is The New Black for 6 hours on the trot.

How was your weekend? Are you liking the re-brand?


  1. Love the new look and your photography as usual is fantastic. The band sound great, I love a good folk band :) x

    1. Thank you so much! I have a little feature about them coming up on Saturday with a few of their YouTube videos :)


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