20 May 2014

Life, Styled

I'm working on a new project that will see this blog merge with my business brand (well, it's a thing and it's on business cards so let's call it a brand) and branch out into amateur photography with real life subjects. All of the people following via Bloglovin' will automatically be transferred to the new website so that won't be a problem if you read via that medium but if you don't, a link will be posted as soon as there's something to see because I'm still in the process of re-branding surrounded by pieces of paper, half drawn graphics and colour palettes. I've been sitting on the name now since my birthday last year where I was listening to a band and it just clicked and since then there's been a few things happening that aren't online but are under the imaginary banner of that name.

It's not terribly original and the new blog won't be either but it will encompass more food, more home, more style and more children. I'm looking at posts with a little more substance than what I've come to post here with improved photography (new lens is en route and I have a little time to experiment and learn some new techniques) and a design that at the moment is looking suspiciously like this one. I guess I just have a soft spot for this and/or/quite possibly just don't like too much change all at once. Needless to say I'm in a bit of a mess.

However if you're interested in anything to do with design - hiring me or just learning - this new blog will have a better system for blog design plus some freebies and resources in a designated section and the more I learn the more (I hope) it will benefit you. I'm hoping to nab some collaborators for posts and add a few more strings to the blog bow in which I can expand on in the future should anything I share there be of use or interest in the long run.

It won't be a whole new blog and the tone will be very much the same as with this blog but it'll be housed under a name that covers everything I do offline and on to make it easier for people to find me and for me to share content so if you're a fan of Hello Wonderful, please don't be discouraged. It's just a vanity thing with a few extra sections and hopefully improvements.

So while I work away at this in red lipstick and little outfits bar pyjamas for the next few weeks, bear with me. I intend to still be updating here often but I intend to have two weeks of content and a little recycled material for the new blog before it goes live so I'm going to be super busy and hopefully saving the best content to post on the new .com


  1. I wish you well on your new business!

  2. Sounds like a really exciting new venture, looking forward to seeing more!x

    Charlotte / coloursandcarousels

  3. cannot to see what you're coming up with :)

  4. This sounds very exciting, I'll definitely be keeping my eye out :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a burning question please don't hesitate to tweet me @sheandlife_