29 May 2014

Dogs Are For Life

As we all know a dog is a big responsibility and is seen as a stepping stone to some before having children. I've grown up around dogs my entire life and have never been without one apart from a brief two year stint in a flat at the beginning of my 'out there on my own' rental adventures. When we brought Sadie home it was one of the happiest moments of my life. She was such a sweet, fluffy puppy who tripped over her own feet a lot and was all for boyfriend all the time. A year and a half later we added Dexter to the mix for company and whatever fears I had over them not getting along were squashed as soon as they met each other. Almost a year later and they're the absolute best of friends and do everything together from eating, sleeping, walking (even though it's a bit of a struggle for Dex) and playing. The one thing they don't do together is go to the vet.

Dexter's been lucky enough to be really healthy so he's only ever been three times - twice for vaccinations and once for a check up before a neutering appointment which is yet to come. Sadie, however, has been more times than I can count on both hands due to a reoccurring eye infection that seemed a little like mange. Even in the stages where it doesn't become inflamed and red you can tell one eye is not quite right due to the hair loss and discolouration. It doesn't ever have a chance to go back to normal as within a few months it flares back up and after numerous expensive tests the best the vets can decide is that there's something in our garden that's irritating it every few months and prescribes drops.

Now, I don't know about you but I was not prepared for how expensive these things would be. I did the usual good dog owner checklist of affordability for food, toys, two check up's a year, grooming and the initial cost of vaccinations and microchipping, spaying etc but I've always had it in my head that my dogs would never become seriously unwell that would warrant repeat treatment. A one off cost for an emergency I could find but repeat appointments and prescriptions coming in at over £60 a time was just something that I never fully thought about. For me that was the main reason to get myself online and get quoted for dog insurance costs. I'm really glad I did get it (for both dogs because, well, you never know) but I do regret not thinking about it earlier and not purchasing sooner. I know now that the one off expenses are cheaper and ongoing treatment is covered for her so I rest a lot easier, especially since at the moment she's a very healthy dog otherwise.

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't forget. It's the same as home insurance really - you don't need it until you do and if you don't have it, you're a bit buggared. I may never need to use my insurance for more than a few small claims but if God forbid something terrible happened to my pups or there was a serious ongoing illness I can rest assured knowing I wouldn't need to beg borrow and steal to potentially save their lives. There are so many companies offering pet insurance for everything from dogs and cats to every domestic animal you can think of that have some great benefits for low monthly payments so do consider it for a current pet or any future furry (or not so) family members!


  1. I've been thinking about pet insurance for my cat for a while now. She's spritely and young with nothing wrong with her right now but I do have it in the back of my mind what I would do if something bad did happen to her. I always budget for her food and yearly vaccinations but because she's an outdoor cat there's no way of knowing what she could get up to. For the sake of a few pounds a month and peace of mind, it's certainly something I'll be investing in - particularly after hearing vet bill horror stories involving costs of upwards of £1000.

    You can't put a price on the love you have for your pets, but when costs take over through something you haven't budgeted for, when it could be avoided, tough, unthinkable decisions come into play.

  2. This is such a great and true post I don't think people understand the responsibility of getting any animal not just a dog.


  3. Hey Laura! Your blog is great!!! Been reading your Twitter and am horrified. Hope you're not too upset, there are always going to be yuck people out there. The fact is your blog is great(: Keep it up!!xx

  4. This all over. Where I live there are always owners on Facebook moaning about how they've lost their dog and how idiotic of them to run away and I can't help feeling that surely it's their fault? Like, how can someone actually lose their dog?! I love my dog more than anything and I'd notice in an instant if he wasn't about - however, we haven't got him insured but it is something I'm gonna to look into ASAP.

    Thank you for doing a post on this, I think many people (owners or to be owners) need to read this! I hope Sadie's eye gets better soon, they're adorable little munchkins! :)
    Lou Barker xo

  5. Your dogs are gorgeous! I have two dogs too - Daisy (a Scottish terrier) and Lou-Lou (a Yorkie) and I love them both so much. A lovely post and very important to remember. xx


  6. We would love one when we move, but bunnies will suffice for now! lol!
    Two Hearts One Roof

  7. Totally agree about pet insurance - there is no NHS for the fluffy family member!

    It kills me that I haven't been able to live with pets for the last five years (finding somewhere to rent in my area of London just for me is hard enough) but I did just get my fill kitten-sitting for my BFF. And there are always snuggles when I go home to visit my parents and our pets there!

    Sorcha x Bright Field Notes

  8. Pet insurance was a no-brainer for us. I knew if something happened we'd have a hard time being able to afford treatment but that I wouldn't be able to deal with the alternative. We've only used it once in four years but I'm so glad we have it!


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