22 Jul 2014

Brand Focus :: Anthropologie

iPhone case :: Quilt :: Candle :: Shoes :: Cup :: Latte bowl

Every time I browse Anthropologie I am besotted. With something. With everything. It's like my ideas of perfection exploded inside a well curated store and I go silently crazy trying to tally up everything I want and squish it in to the amount left inside my bank account. Often, it doesn't work because Anthropolgie is quite pricey but there are things I bookmark to my favourites bar that after a few weeks I just cannot resist any longer and my fingers start to itch for the checkout.

I am a big believer in colour, detail and lattes sipped from bowls, Parisian style. I'd better get saving! What do you love from Anthropologie right now?


  1. Ugh, I love everything Anthropologie related. They literally have one five blocks away from my house, which is so dangerous! They just had their huge annual sale, and I picked up some of their latte bowls, which I've also been obsessed with for a while. So fabulous!


  2. It's embarassing to admit, but I barely knew of them until I read this post. I love the prints, mind you I love any bright and colourful print. Have you checked out their stationery bits? There's such a lovely range.


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! If you have a burning question please don't hesitate to tweet me @sheandlife_